Set up your voicemail


It’s simple to set up and use your voicemail service.


Please ensure you have the latest Apple software version – iOS 15 or higher.

  1. Go to Voicemail
  2. On the Voicemail main menu, click on the Set Up button.
  3. Type in your new password* twice and click Done after each time. The password will be autosaved after the second time.
  4. You will be transitioned to the Greetings menu. The default standard greeting will be auto selected. If you wish to keep the standard greeting, click Save and move to step 6. If you wish to record your own personal greeting, click Custom and move to step 5.
  5. Click Record to record your personal greeting. After you are done recording click Stop. Click on Play to listen to the recording. Once you are satisfied with your personal greeting, click Save.
  6. You will now see all your visual voicemail messages.

Android, flip phones and home phones:

  1. Access your Voicemail box by dialing “*86”, your 10-digit number or long press “1”.
  2. Choose English or Spanish as your language preference.
  3. Set your 4-15 digit password*.
  4. Record your name
  5. Record or select your greeting
  6. Your Voicemail box is now ready to use.

For more detailed step-by-step instructions, click here

*Note:  To protect your privacy, the Voicemail system doesn’t allow “easy-to-guess” passwords, including 4 or more repeating digits (3333), 4 or more consecutive digits (123456), or pair even or odd numbers together (2468 or 1357). Your choice of a unique password will be an important step in protecting your Voicemail messages.


listening to messages

From your wireless device:

  1. Dial *86 or your own 10-digit number.
  2. follow the prompts to enter your password or start using your mailbox.

Voicemail navigation map

Click here for a visual map of all the voicemail options.

    prefer to read your messages?

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Are there any shortcuts that I can use while in my voicemail box?

    Yes, the voicemail map showcases the playback options available while listening to a voicemail message as well as the options available at the end of a message.

    How do I access my Voicemail from a land-line phone?

    Dial your 10-digit phone number then press “*” to interrupt the greeting.


    Note: If you try to access an uninitialized Voicemail box from a land-line (or any other alternate handset), you will not be successful. Access will only be gained if the Voicemail box has been initialized using your cellular handset. Also, callers won’t be able to leave you a voicemail message until your voicemail box is initialized.

    Can a deleted voicemail be recovered?

    No, once a message is deleted, there is no way to recover it once you hang up and end your current voicemail session.


    If you have not ended your current voicemail session, you can take the following steps to recover your deleted message:

    • From the Voicemail Main Menu, press “6” to access the “Review Deleted Messages” option
    Can I use a standard greeting where the voicemail greeting is my phone number as opposed to playing a personalized greeting or my first and last name?

    Yes, you can choose to have the voicemail system speak your number as opposed to having to record your name.

    During Initialization:

    • After selecting your language preference and setting up your password, you will be presented with the option to setup or skip your Voice Signature.


    • At this Voice Signature prompt, if you select to skip the voice signature, the system will default to the standard greeting where your phone number is spoken as your greeting
      Note: During the last step of initialization, select Personal Greeting, you should select the option of “skip” (vs. the option of “setup” to keep the standard greeting


    Any other time:


    • Access your Voicemail box, enter your password (if applicable), and go to the Main Menu


    • From the Voicemail Main Menu, press option “2” to access the “Greeting” menu and press option “1” to update your personal greeting preference.
    I accidentally set my voicemail box to Spanish, how do I change it back to English?
    1. Access your Voicemail box by dialing *86 on your wireless phone, or long pressing 1, or dialing your voicemail box number

    2. Enter your PIN number

    3. You are now taken to your mailbox. If you have voicemails in your voicemail box, they will begin playing automatically, otherwise you will be in the main menu.

    4. Press 3 for settings

    5. Press 7 for language

    6. Press 1 to change to English

    Is there a way to reset my voicemail password?

    Yes, you can change your password through the following steps in the voicemail menu:

    • From your Voicemail Main Menu, press option “3” to access the “Settings and Features” option; and, then press option “3” to access the “Change Password” option.


    • You will then hear the status of your password as “Protected or Unprotected” .


    • You will hear an option to unprotect/protect the mailbox depending on the existing status


    • You will then hear an option for changing your password